Check this story out here...
Ipsative Assessment and Personal Learning Gain Exploring International Case Studies
This is a link to a newly published book. In it is a chapter about some research done in New Zealand at Royal Oak Intermediate school by...
Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Method (FIEM) Standard at St Ignatius Catholic Primary School
Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Method (FIEM) Standard at St Ignatius Catholic Primary School This programme commenced in Term 1 of...

Youtube clips
YouTube Videos Let in the Light The Feuerstein Method for Enriching Cognitive Functions Can not Exist Instrumental Enrichment - Basic...
Useful Websites
John Hopkins School of Education Southeastern Center for the Enhancement of Learning International Renewal Institute Links to books and...
Words from I.E. students in East Allen…
Words from I.E. students in East Allen… 1. This page expired me. All of these dots pages change me to be organized I’m am going to use...
A Perspective of FIE in the Homeschool Tutorial Community
As an educator for many years, I was intrigued to learn about the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment program. After training as an FIE...