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Words from I.E. students in East Allen…

Words from I.E. students in East Allen…

1. This page expired me. All of these dots pages change me to be organized I’m am going to use organization all threw my life these pages got harder and harder out of 100% on hardness I’ll give this page 97%. This page was hard for me I never thought I come to a point like this in my life when something is this challenging but I stuck to my focus used all the cognitive functions I could use and pulled it off who ever made this was really trying to work our brains.

2. I have learned to not give up. These dots pages over the months have made me a hard working person. They have inspired me not to quit. These dots pages broke me down and they pulled me up but now at the end of these pages they made me get my own self up.

3. I really understand why we do dots because when I didn't like dots I thought we did this just because. But now I know that we can use what we have learned and when Mr. Feuerstein came I thought that it was a pleasure for him to come and do page with us. That how when you take something and try it but don’t give up. Overall of the dots pages I think that this will help me in six grade because we will have to be more independent and we will need a strategy for anything. And when I’m out of school even though some kids lose their thinking. I won’t because dots wasn't my favourite subject but now it is.

4. From page one to 13 I learned to use perseverance. I also learned to be more focused and don’t pay attention to what is around me. When I leave for middle school I am going to remember to have a strategy because with no strategy you will have no success. I will also remember set goals and if I have trouble with something don’t give up just keep on trying. I also learned to control mu impulsivity.

5. I will take perseverance, labelling, make a plan, problem solving, flow map, bubble map, tree map, point of view, and always will use focus. I wish I could bring Mrs. Copeland and Mrs. Smith with me. I learned when something is internalized it will become part of your life and become less challenging. I learned that when your done you've just begun. Also when your stuck you need to accomplish what you haven’t. Don’t give up tell yourself you can do it.

6. I.E. has helped me grow so much that I believe I can do anything so I am very thankful and these are the moment I will forever remember and has changed my mind set completely. I.E. has helped me so much that I can do them in my sleep and has helped me get organized and that is very important cause I can relate everything to my life.

7. I learned that is not easy in life. Because it give you lots of success. Pay attention in life do not let life trick you.

8. By doing dots I learned that you should always be precise no matter what and always use cognitive functions at all times and you should never be sloppy while doing something serious. This instrument has helped me by keeping me focused and precise and make me realize that I can think better when I am precise. I will use all of the life lessons in the future by when I drive, college, football, learning and when I am out in public I will use all of the cognitive functions that I have got but in my brain and now they are stuck for the rest.

9. I think that not everything is going to come my way and I need to focus if I want to achieve my goals. This helped me become a better learner and a better person by me learning that sometimes I should think before I do the wrong thing or I should put my feet in someone shoes. I can use all of my life lessons in the future by me remembering what Mrs. Smith has taught me in the 5th grade and remembering that in 6th, 7th, 8th and all other grades will be easy.

10. What I learned in i.e. that everything is not going to be easy in life.

11. What I have learned from Organization of Dots? I learned that you have to be precise when you are writing draw dot to dot and bubbling. How has this instrument help me to become a better person. This has helped me by when I get to 6th grade I will know how to draw a straight line. How ill I use all of the life lessons in the future? I will use the life lessons by thinking about the life lesson I need when I’m in a situation.

12. What I have learned in dots, is to not draw something before I don’t even see it, also to take time when doing something so I don’t have to keep erasing my work, and then won’t be able to finish it. How I.E. made me a better person, learner, and thinker is by when we were using cognitive functions, and I didn’t even know what they were so they helped me through life when I was getting the hang of it. How I will use all of my life lessons in the future is by before I leave school for middle school I will right down all of our life lessons to take with me, and take my cognitive functions sheet.

13. I learn how to control my impulsivity. By helping me think before I answer or do something. By remembering for a job interview so I can become a better person in the future.

14. I learned that we taking your time you may get a lot more done then just playing around in class wir you won’t it get nothing done. It is more easier for me to because once I did dots it was easier for me to control impulsive. I will use all my life lesson by mering won’t I had learned in the whole school year and you learn something new each day.

15. I have learned that everything does not come easy to me. This helps me become a better person by allowing me to use all my cognitive functions on each dots page. I will use all of the future by remembering everyone of the life lessons. And using it to help me get through life.

16. Take time, don’t give up, everything is not easy in life and now. To take time and use time good and better person. To have lots of strategies to use in the future and life and now and everything.

17. I have learned tons of things by doing organizations of dots. I learned how to be a better person not just on the inside but on the outside too. I also learned how to treat others better how to be flexible with a lot of things, and another important thing I learned is that I am just as important to this world as anyone else. This instrument has helped me become a better person and a better learner by providing me with tons of life strategies/lessons and hope and perseverance. By boosting myself confidence and teaching me that it is ok to let my true colors shine. I will use all these life lessons in the future by keep becoming a better person; keep becoming a better learner / thinker; and keep letting myself better.

18. I have learned infinite of things like: when we talk about each page I learn what to do and not to do. Complex figures I never seen before. Take time with something new. Things don’t always come easy. I think from interacting with my classmates and how they kinda act I’ll try to do the opposite. I’ll think about the life lessons we’ve done. In the future when I’m in sixth grade or I’m a physiologist I’ll be making better choices to get where I want to go in life only I can direct my future. Later in life I hopefully I will be successful.

19. What have I learned by doing organization of dots? I learned about all kinds of figures and three D ones to. I also learn when I first got one of the dots pages I was so mad because I could not them come of them was bunched up so it was hard but I didn't give up.

20. I learned I should always think before decide, controlling my impulsivity I learned life is not easy you have to different things. And that it’s okay to make mistakes only if you learn from it. Like if it’s a short cut I know and if I went that way to get home wherever and I don’t know were I’m going and I get lost a nobody their nobody to help me that’s why I do think before deciding. And like if I’m hanging with some people that is making bad decisions, they get caught and I’m their with I will get in trouble.

21. I learned that like you need signs to help you. You need to go somewhere else when it’s a problem. Don’t hang with the wrong people if there doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Don’t go the wrong way like if it’s a shortcut that you know to get somewhere and you go in there and you end up someplace you don’t know and you get lost. And it’s not always easy in life it’s hard thing you still have to do. Don’t do nothing stupid so you can ruin your life.

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