LPAD - Assessment of a child's learning potential
Modules 1 and 2 can now be taken consecutively i.e. trainees can enroll in both LPAD 1 and LPAD 2. Applicants for LPAD must provide an academic CV to ensure both experience and qualifications meet Israel's trainee criteria see the training overview below.
LPAD training:​
Currently, NZ has 10 trained assessors (completed LPAD 3), awaiting completion of practice components and reports.
7 have completed LPAD 1 and 2.
Funding from David Gaze was in place for these 17 trainees, but all upcoming courses must now self-fund. Classes are 10:1 ratio and cost $4,283.75 pp (see breakdown below).
The goal of the LPAD course:​
The goal of the course is to prepare dynamic assessment professionals capable of conducting LPAD assessments within their scope of practice.
LPAD training - Admission criteria:​
The LPAD training is intended for clinical, educational or vocational specialists with previous assessing authorization in New Zealand or Australia; applicants must produce credentials and evidence conformity of their scope of practice in these countries. Only participants whose credentials are approved by the Feuerstein Institute will be admitted to the LPAD training.
The structure of LPAD course:
LPAD course has two components: 1. Instruments component and 2. Supervised Assessment Practice. The minimal amount of the Instruments component is 90 academic workshop hours (10 days); The minimal amount of Practice component is 45 academic workshop hours (5 days).
Instruments : Component:
90 hours - includes LPAD theory and a study of all 15 LPAD instruments.
Supervised Assessment Practice (45 hours) includes a supervised LPAD assessment conducted in groups of no more than 5 workshop participants. Each group should accumulate at least 30 hours of assessments with 3 children (10 hours of assessment per child x 3 children) and 15 hours of analysis and case conferences. The LPAD trainer may simultaneously supervise no more than 2 assessment groups (10 participants).
Training schedule:
Initial registration is for the Instruments component (90 hours). This component is now given as a two-week intensive course.
Graduates of the Instruments component can register for a Supervised Assessment Practice Certification (45 hours).
Only those LPAD course participants who completed the instrument component, the supervised practice component and presented 3 LPAD reports will be certified by the Feuerstein Institute as Individual LPAD Assessors.
The LPAD course participants will receive a complete kit of LPAD instruments (including reusable booklets and reproducible scoring sheets) and an LPAD manual.
Course cost:
The cost of the LPAD training consists of:
(1) The cost of the Instrument component training
(2) The cost of the supervised assessment module
(3) Cost of the LPAD Assessment kit
The course cost for an Instruments component (90 hours) is fixed, while the cost to the participants of the supervised assessment practice (45 hours) depends on the number of participants. An LPAD trainer may simultaneously supervise no more than 2 assessment groups (10 participants). For larger groups, an LPAD supervisor will be added for every 10 participants.
Currently the costs to break-even the 10 day LPAD (10:1 ratio) in NZ is circa $37,250 : $3,725 plus GST = $4,283.75 pp
$20,000 Course Commission for 2 weeks - paid to FIE
$ 5,000 Trainer Flights (usually from Israel-NZ)
$ 3,750 Trainer Accommodation @ $250 pn, 15 nights
$ 5,000 Resources @ $250 pp per week-course
$ 1,500 Trainer $100 pd for food, transport and incidentals, 15 days/nights
$ 2,000 Room hire, mailchimp, website, postage, incidental printing, morning and afternoon tea/coffee etc